Your CPQ project in good hands

camos consulting & project management
Your CPQ project in good hands

Experience from over 200 successful projects

Consulting and Project Management – tailored to CPQ solutions

Be it classic or agile, with camos your project is always in safe hands, a fact substantiated by the expertise and experience of our consultants.

Good consulting is developing and successfully realising a specific project from a strategic vision. For this reason, camos not only offers the appropriate CPQ software (Configure Price Quote), but also advises you on the commensurate embedding within your strategy. Together we work out the requisite CPQ software adjustments on the basis of your objectives, without ever losing sight of the economic benefits. The end result is a high-performance customised solution based on standard camos modules.


Our expertise and service

When it comes to project planning and management, in addition to the classic V-model, with increasing frequency we are also pursuing an agile project approach. Such an approach means we no longer need to know and specify all the various software requirements down to the last detail in advance, but rather detail these on the basis of your project vision in short iterations of 2-4 weeks and then implement them directly within the software. In this way we ensure that despite all the complexity and dynamics involved, your project remains plannable and is implemented on a step-by-step basis.

Regardless of whether your project pursues a classic or agile approach, our project management is optimised for CPQ solutions and based on established best practice methods. 

The expertise of our staff is founded on longstanding project experience and in-depth knowledge of CPQ-relevant processes within the mechanical and plant engineering segments and other associated sectors. Our project managers and product owners are highly qualified and certified in accordance with international project management standards (Prince2,

Our development teams comprised of consultants and software engineers have successfully completed over 200 CPQ projects encompassing the entire spectrum from configure-to-order to engineer-to-order.

camos agile project process:

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How to start with CPQ: Learnings from over 200 projects.
