Software und Beratung GmbH
Friedrichstraße 14
70174 Stuttgart
Tel. No. 0711 / 7 80 66-0
Telefax 0711 / 7 80 66-60
Chief Executive Officers:
Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. (BA) Steffen Lorscheider
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Simon Märkle
Court of Stuttgart
HRB 11741
VAT no., in accordance with
Art. 27 a VAT tax laws: DE 147862435
Note regarding liability
Despite meticulous control and diligence, no liability is assumed for the contents of external links. For the contents and substance of the linked pages, only their respective providers are responsible.
Contents of online offer
The camos company assumes no liability in any form for the currentness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided here. Liability claims against the camos company which assert damages in material of non-material form which were incurred through the use or non-use of the information depicted here are ruled out, insofar as no premeditated or gross fault of the authors can be demonstrated and proven. All offers are without obligation and subject to confirmation. The camos company expressly reserves the right to alter pages or parts thereof or the entire offer without previous announcement; to add to them; to delete, i.e. eliminate them; or to terminate the publication of them either temporarily or permanently.
Links to other Internet websites
Our website contains links to other websites belonging to third parties. camos is not responsible for the data protection measures or the contents of other websites.
Copyright law, labeling law
The camos company strives in all publications to pay close heed to copyright laws of the utilized graphic work, acoustical documents, video sequences and texts; or to use graphic work, acoustical documents, video sequences and texts which camos has produced itself. All brands and labels in the website offer are protected by copyright and labeling laws and the ownership rights of the respective authors. Merely because a brand is named is no reason to assume that its rights are not protected by a third party. The copyright for publicized pieces which were created by the author for that purpose remains in the hands of the respective author. Copying or using such graphic works, acoustical documents, video sequences or tests in other electronic media or in printed publications is prohibited without express written permission of the author.
Andre Duhme
Nikolaus Gruenwald Photography
The Online Dispute Resolution website is an official website managed by the European Commission dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes out-of-court: